Frequently Asked Questions
Based on years of serving the flute/piccolo community, I have put together the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as an informational aid our customers. I am always available to answer any of your flute related questions.

What kind of clients do you work with?
I have performed adjustments, repairs and complete overhauls for clients from all walks of life; from students just starting out to veteran concert flutists. My work is reasonably priced and of the highest caliber.
What is your turn around time?
Typical turnaround time is within one week to as quick as 48 hours. Rush and Emergency repairs can be performed at additional costs.
Do you have a storefront location?
All repairs are performed at my home workshop. Please call or email to schedule an appointment before dropping by.
How often should my flute/piccolo be serviced?
I recommend getting your flute/piccolo serviced (also known as a “clean-oil-adjust” or “COA” or annual maintenance) once a year assuming normal use (how much it is played) and care (environment, and if you clean it each time you play it). Getting your flute/piccolo regularly serviced will make it possible for it to function at its optimal level. Over the course of a typical year adjustments will change, pads will develop leaks and the headjoint cork will wear out. The amount of play will affect the condition of the oil inside the mechanism. Bringing your flute/piccolo in every year for servicing will ensure that I find anything that is causing you difficulties while playing, and it lessens the chance of major repairs needed on your instrument in the future.
How often should my flute/piccolo be overhauled?
I recommend getting your flute/piccolo overhauled every five to ten years, depending on usage, maintenance, and care.
How often should my piccolo (the wood section) be oiled?
The body of the piccolo (the wood section) should be oiled periodically. I recommend oiling every one to three years, depending on environment, usage, maintenance, and care.
Can dents be removed from my flute/piccolo?
Yes, depending on the severity and where the dent is located. Dents around the lip plate, tone holes and on the keys will most likely not be able to be removed. The materials used in the construction of the flute/piccolo (i.e. silver vs. nickel-silver alloy) can also influence the degree of the potential dent repair due to the malleability of the metal. Finally, although I strive to make it appear as though a dent was never there, it is not always possible. Therefore, sometimes dent repair will leave behind a slight appearance variation when compared to the surrounding material.